Hand Gesturing a Heart

the nest



Thanks for being here! I'm Hillery, a Registered Nurse and Certified Breastfeeding Specialist in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. I am also a mama to three kiddos, who are the reason I breathe and the reason I am fueled by coffee.

I appreciate you taking the time to follow along!





Blog Post 1:

The Fourth Trimester - love it or hate it

June 6, 2023

The “Fourth Trimester” - those first few months with baby on the outside. Those first few months of exhaustion, learning, recovering, doubt, adjustment, magic. It looks different for everyone, based on physical and mental health of the parents, support systems, health and “quirks” of baby, and expectations… Some love this phase, others crave for it to be over.

I was one to love it. Though I had children who never slept unless being held, I knew how short the phase was and my adrenaline somehow got me through it. My big crashes always came later (more on that another day). I training and nursing background let me dig my feet into the fact that I would not expect them to sleep or be put down and I lowered all expectations on my babies and on myself. I remember my husband saying to me around 3.5 months postpartum, “Are you excited for the 4th trimester to be over soon?”. As I held back tears, I replied “Hell no”. I didn’t look forward to sleep schedules and solid food and trying to engage baby differently. Just give me those newborn baby potatoes to cuddle and sniff! My husband felt differently (again, more on that later).

Baby M giving me the baby OOOOs

I know MANY people who just try to get through this stage. They have a hard time seeing the good in it, because that fog is so thick. My response is always, that’s OKAY! You don’t have to love it. You don’t have to “savour every second” if it’s not your thing. Will you miss it when it’s gone? Maybe. Might you love it once it’s gone? MAYBE! There isn’t a right way to do postpartum, but I do have some basic tips to help make the fourth trimester a little easier:

-Recruit supports

Whether you hire someone/a team, or use friends and family, think about who you would like around and how they can help. If possible, talk to them while pregnant to discuss expectations and how you think they can assist and support you.

-Take it slow and listen to your body

You are recovering from labour/birth and taking it slow is the way to go!

-Eat and drink every chance you get, and get people to help with this

This is the time to order in more if you can afford it, buy the pre-cut fruit and veggie trays and rotisserie chicken. In other words, cut corners where you can so you don’t have to put too much effort into eating for those first few months. A fabulous help to ask for is a meal train or Skip the Dishes GCs rather than more baby blankets.

-Get help with feeding

I suggest getting someone to assist with feeding as soon as possible to get you and keep you on the right track and boost confidence. Feeding has a huge impact on alllll aspects of postpartum.

-Reduce expectations on baby

Understand that baby has never not been held until after birth, and how different this outside life is. They are used to your perfect environment where their needs were constantly met and they always felt nurtured and cared for. You made the perfect home for them! It takes awhile for them to get accustomed to this “tough life” where they need to eat, get diaper changes and be put down.

-Reduce expectations on yourself

If you are a first-timer, or not, this is huge. You are healing, adjusting to life/body/relationship changes, all while learning to parent a brand new human who society expects you to love and know all about it. This is huge! Be gentle on yourself and know that you don’t have to follow anyone else’s agenda, only your own. This is only a phase and I promise it will end. You can do this, but do it gently.

Home from The Birth Centre,

about 6 hours after birth

Trying to feel human and putting make-up on, while nursing a babe.

The Nest Nurse

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Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada



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